Today’s post will have an upcoming free fire max update as usual, and we will try our best to explain everything about it. In this post, we will give a detailed overview of the latest bundle stating its availability and worth. Also, we will share some pictures so you can see what the newest bundle looks like.
Overview of the Upcoming Bundle In Free Fire Max
The Little Canary Bundle

This time this new free fire max bundle is not exactly a bundle. It’s like a fluffy costume that will seem like a complete animal costume. Same as the bear one that was distributed to all the free-fire players for free. This new bundle is unique and very firstly introduced by Garena on a few servers only.
Many of you might not know the meaning of Canary, and the fact is that this word is the theme of the bundle. A Canary is a small bird that sings sweet. Thus the bundle is based on Canary and looks like it. The entire bundle is yellow in colour, but it is wearing a yellow soccer t-shirt that has the number 10 with a short blue pants. The face is entirely based on the bird canary and is designed in a way that seems to be a cartoon. Rest you can find out more in the picture we have attached.
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Which event will have the Upcoming The little Canary bundle in Free Fire Max?

Web event
We are most assured that this item may be available for Indian players in web events because, in other servers, it is present in the same event. And this type of item will have identical prizes, which create more chances of occurrence in a web event.
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Review of the newest Bundle In Free Fire Max
See, in clear words, we want to tell that it is the very first bundle by Garena that looks like a bird, and no character is visible through this bundle; hence it is very firstly done by Garena, thus having it will like having a rare item to your vault. This new free fire max bundle may cost you up to 2000 diamonds, so you can take it out if you want.
What do you think about this latest free fire max bundle? Let us know in the comments. Stay tuned with us for every upcoming free fire max item and its details. Visit our homepage for more updates and news about the free fire max.