So welcome to today’s new article where we are once again going to inform you about the latest updates in Free Fire and Free Fire Max. This is going to be very useful because it is providing you a chance to add one item to your collection absolutely free of cost. Therefore, we would like to request you to read this entire article till the end so that you can understand every detail very clearly. Now let’s move ahead without any delay and we want to tell you that in today’s article, we will share the update about a new activity event that is Get A Free Pet In Free Fire Max: Here’s How
Also Read: How To Get Membership In Free Fire Max (December 2023)
New Grand Event In Free Fire Max: Hunt For Treasure

So first of all we want to tell you that a new event has come in the Indian Server of our game Free Fire and Free Fire Max. This is not an event but a grand event and we have already given its details in some articles and covered all the details about it but in this grand event, you will get to see a surprising thing which is very useful. This is a pet and although you will have to spend a lot of money to have it in your collection but under this grand event you will be able to get this pet for absolutely free.
In this article, we have prepared some paragraphs to give you details. But to obtain this pet, you need to go through certain steps that will help you to get it which we are going to share with you in the next article, so do not miss our next article. In this event we are having a chance to get a free parachute skin, an emote and finally a pet too.
Event Period Of Hunt For Treasure Event In Free Fire Max

Now it is obvious that there will be a last date for this event because after that date this event will not be seen in our game, so for your information, we want to tell you that The Hunt For Treasure event will remain in our game only till January 7, 2024. After this you will not be able to get this pet and if you want to get this pet as soon as possible then go and read our next article immediately.
Also Read: Method of Copy And Paste V Badge Free Fire Symbol
Final words
So in this article, we have shared with you another detail which is based on the latest news of Free Fire and Free Fire Max. We hope that you found this article useful, so share it with your friends also. And also stay connected with us so that you keep getting regular updates from time to time.