Garena free fire launches new redeem codes for players and other partner program members. Using these redeem codes, you can acquire many in-game rewards, such as weapon loot crates, pet skins, characters, Vehicle skins, Gloo wall skins, and many more fantastic things.
We have collected all these redeem codes from the trusted members of the free fire partner program. If you want to use these redeem codes, you can copy them and redeem them on the official FF redemption site.
These newly launched Free Fire Redeem Codes For 4 February 2022 are:
- ML90-LK90-SHD6 – Everything Goes Bundle
- L909-LMJ8-LD8S – Random Permanent Bundle
- DNS7-DJDF-S8D7 – Random Pet Skin
- S9D7-S6A6-S87S – 3x Weapon Loot Crate
- MN89-S8S6-S8S6 – 10 Diamonds
- MK89-9T8S-S7A6 – 1 Magic Cube
- LSKJ8-D5FY-S7A6 – 100 Gold Coins
- MJ88-D7S6- S8A6 – 200 Gold Coins
- SJS7-DKDI-DMS8 – 3x weapon royale vouchers
- S8S7-S8AS-S8D7- 5x weapon royale vouchers
- MN87-S7SD-S8SV – 10x weapon royale vouchers
- MK90-MN89-MN89- DJ Alok Character
- DM87-S8S7-S9D8- Detective Panda Pet
These codes can provide you with so many exciting rewards. You can easily redeem these codes on the FF Redemption site.
If you want more redeem codes for the free fire game, then you can use the free fire redeem code generator to obtain new redeem codes daily.